Meet Faith

Hey, Hey! I’m Faith, a silent-laughing mama of two, who loves nature, caramel lattes, and Jesus.

This blog is all about navigating motherhood, imperfectly perfect, while thanking Jesus in the process. For while we are imperfect, Jesus has made us perfect through His death on the cross and resurrection. I felt in my heart to start this blog to help bring awareness to all things mental health as a mama.

Society likes to remind us that we are to always make sure our babies are happy, even if it’s at the expense of our own well-being. We need to make sure they are healthy, seen, and loved. While that is 100% true, and you’ll find tips and strategies to do just that here, you’ll also find how to keep you healthy. For if we are to make sure our children are healthy, we need to make sure we are modeling that behavior for them, too.

Our children look to us whether we realize it or not. Our children see what we do when we are stressed, overwhelmed, sad, or happy. They witness how we handle conflict or who we thank when things incredible happen for us. We can be a light for them, or we can transfer our trauma and our pain onto them, whether we mean to or not.

Why the name Imperfectly Perfect Living, you ask?

Well, you see, I’m what one would call a perfectionist. A little voice in my head screams, “Girl, get your stuff together and make it perfect.” Because of that little sidekick of mine, I’ve lived with diagnosed generalized anxiety disorder and social anxiety since I was 15. While I’ve had my lows, what I’ve come to find is only one man walked this earth perfectly, and that was Jesus. (I know my name is Faith, but I’m not THAT cool.)

Through His grace alone, I’m finding that living with the highs and the lows are all apart of life. Each moment can have a blessing, even if it’s a tiny, barely visible one. Hence the name Imperfectly Perfect Living, because there is something beautiful about the imperfections in life.

What has helped make my well-being healthier?

I’ve found that God has created me with an empathetic heart and a mind that wants to learn the brain research and how God created us to thrive on this side of Heaven. Because of that, I’ve earned my Masters of Education in Trauma and Resilience. On this site, and through my community and Instagram, you’ll find a trauma-informed approach to creating a healthy well-being for yourself and ways to help our children be resilient as they face the sin of this world.

Along this journey, I’ve found that establishing habits, fostering community with healthy mamas, and leaning on God’s strength can help me lean towards a healthier mental, emotional, and spiritual health. I’ve studied books, listened to experts, attended years of therapy, and learned by trial and error how to make sure my habits and mindset serve my health and lead me closer to Jesus. I pray that as you join us on this journey, you can start to find there are things we can control. For the things we can’t, Jesus is there to take it off our hands.

I’ve dove into Scripture and found that our true source of healing can only be found in Jesus. Because of that founded Truth, I’ve had the opportunity to write a book that takes us away from worldly advice and leads us to the only advice that can sustain us: Jesus’. Be on the lookout for my new book coming in July of 2024.

Mama, if you find yourself wanting to ditch the overwhelm of motherhood and be present with your kiddos, I pray you join me, along with thousands of other mamas, as we work on becoming healthy. Grab that latte and cheers to taking the first step towards a healthier you for not only yourself, but your family.

Connect with us!

 Join our free Facebook Healthy Mamas community where we learn different habits, partake in  that can help us on our journey.

Feel free to connect via Instagram for daily encouragement and tips. 

Listen along, with myself and three other amazing mamas, as we navigate our seasons of motherhood with God’s grace. Subscribe to our podcast: Seasoned Mamas: God’s Grace for Every Season

If you’re ready to get started on leaning towards a healthy mental health, grab my journals here. Inside, I help you start to make those habits a reality.

Here’s to living life: Imperfectly Perfect!