Work With Faith

Yay! I’m so glad you’re wanting to take your life to the next level. A major way that we can take control of our mental health is by creating habits that are care-taking and Christ-seeking.

 Below are the many different ways in which you can work with me. Find what works best for you, your life, and the goals you wish to accomplish. Can’t wait to get started!

  • First, join my free Facebook community of women where we are encouraging one another to live our best life. Inside, we discuss different healthy habits and mental health obstacles. We remind one another that we are not defined by our mental illness, but are defined by God’s Truth.
  • Second, journaling is a great way to understand your mental health journey. I’ve created a journal that helps track our daily habits, grow closer to God in prayer, and discover our thoughts using journal prompts. You can snag the journal here:

  • Third, subscribe to our newsletter. Each Monday, you’ll receive an email with motivation, healthy habit tips, and encouragement with God’s Word to get you through your week. Sign up here.

Pray these are a blessing!