Do you want to be a healthy mama? Motherhood is hard. Society tells us we need to mother like we have no job and be a “Girl Boss” like we have no children. The journey through motherhood is a learning one. Just when you think you’re rocking it, here comes a new stage of life or a new obstacle.

This so often can leave us feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and just at a loss. How do we not feel so overwhelmed? How do we become present when we are with our babies? How do we stop the intrusive thoughts and the negative self-talk? How do I find who I am while still honoring my vocation as a mother? How do we be a healthy mama so we can be a role model for our children?

All of these questions were ones I had, too. I found myself feeling like I was failing. Failing hard. Isn’t motherhood suppose to be easy? Aren’t we just suppose to “know” what to do?

Mama, I’m not failing and neither are you. If you’re like me, you were just never taught the habits and mindset work needed to help guide you through this time. If you’re like me people talked to you more about giving birth than actually surviving, and in turn thriving, during motherhood. We just need some extra support, possibly more knowledge, and grace for ourselves.

Yet? Where do we find that?

For me, I knew I could go into therapy at anytime. Therapy is such an incredible resource that provides in-depth insights and knowledge beyond anything we could do on our own, but what about the every day struggles.

What could give us encouragement and knowledge on a Tuesday afternoon or an early Sunday morning?

I didn’t have a place to turn to, so I made one.

Healthy Mama

This is the community is for anyone that wants to be a healthy mama. Inside, we come to to gain more knowledge about our wellness, partake in fellowship with others going through the same things, and establish habits that help us feel at peace and control with our journey. Mama, you don’t need to do this journey alone.

Inside, you’ll be given all these resources:

  1. Expert Advice
    • We have people from experts in their field to licensed counselors. Experts on mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health topics and habits that we will dive deep into. You’ll be able to ask them questions specific to your journey and get a resource to continue that education.
  2. Guided Journaling
    • Each month, we will take the habit/topic we are working on and journal through it together. This will be a guide for you to feel your emotions and process them in a safe way.
  3. LIVES and Trainings
    • Prompts to cultivate self-awareness and help you to work on your habits to your mindset. We will take our topic of the month and provide practical ways to implement it into our daily lives.
  4. Affirmations
    • Affirmations to help you lean towards a healthier, more positive mindset towards yourself, others, and the world.
  5. Monthly Challenges and Book Clubs
    • Fun challenges and book clubs to engage with others and encourage each other to lean towards a healthy mental, emotional, and spiritual life.

What Are People Saying about being a Healthy Mama?

This group brought so much peace and a positive mindset!

Thank you for being you and always just being so encouraging and a listening ear. I’m just so grateful.

Each month, we will take a topic and learn more about it. We will then take that knowledge and apply it to our every day lives.

This is a community where you find what works best for your journey and apply it. What you get out of it, may not be the same as what someone else gets out of it. That’s the beauty of our journeys, they are not a one-size fits all.

This community is meant to be a guide. A safe place for you to come and express your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. A place where you are encouraged to create healthy habits and remind you that God has you during this time of navigating motherhood.

Remember, Mama, You are never alone.


Although I’ve lived with mental illness my whole life, I am not a medical professional. You can find a therapist anywhere in the United States here