Top 10 Lessons I’ve Learned In 26 Years

For those of you that don’t know…my birthday was Monday. Can I get a “Woot Woot!?” I am officially 26 years young.

My husband, Preston, had pulled out all the stops of making me feel like a queen. From the adorable texts to the well thought out gifts and the birthday dinner at PitchWest. He definitely made sure I knew I was loved beyond measure. After that incredible day, I sat down feeling completely blessed. You know? The moment when you can’t help but take a deep breath and just smile up at God thinking, “Dang, you really are the creator of all things incredible!

While sitting, reading my latest book: Chase the Lion (Read it, you won’t be disappointed!) I realized I’ve been taught so many incredible lessons throughout my few years on this earth. Lessons, that I feel everyone probably already knows, but I mean who doesn’t need to hear it more than once?!

  1. God First: No brainer! Remember the Holy Spirit is working through you whether you feel it there or not. God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called. If you are troubled, turn to Him. If you are thankful, turn to Him.
  2. Family Doesn’t Have To Be Blood: Thankfully, I’ve been blessed to have family, on both sides, that I know have my back. Yet, what I’ve come to find is that sometimes people come into your life that may not be blood, but they act and treat you like family. They are people who lift you higher!
  3. Opinions Don’t Matter: Sometimes we get caught up in what people think of us, I know I do. Yet, at the end of the day everyone is doing their best to live their life as incredible as possible. So do what you love with who you love because at the end of the day it’s your life and God can bless anything you put your mind to.
  4. Budget: Preston will probably laugh out loud when he reads this one. Why? Because I still struggle with this. I like my Scooters, okay? Sue me. But, by budgeting, by not spending money on the delicious coffee, when it came to big decisions like Lasik or an emergency expense we didn’t have to worry. I’m completely thankful that budgeting has allowed us to have fun and not feel guilty about it. Why? Because we budgeted for it!
  5. Cherish The Small Moments: Stop smell the roses. Hug a little longer and tighter. Make the phone call. Stay for supper. These things are small, but one day will be significant when the person you had that moment with has passed. Slow down, you’ll thank yourself later.
  6. Exercise: One of the best ways to improve your self-esteem, lower stress, and just give you a better outlook on life! Even if all you do is take a small walk around the town, better than nothing right? That’s what I tell myself anyway! 🙂
  7. Take The Vacay: I’ve been blessed to travel and each time I do I come home feeling thankful that I did. Nothing is cooler than watching your husband see the ocean for the first time or zip-line through the Mayan forest (even if you are bawling your eyes out with happy/I’m freaking out tears) These are memories I’ll tell my great-grandchildren about.
  8. Don’t Keep Up With The Jones: We live in a society that tells you if only you get the new car, the bigger house, the name-brand clothes then you’ll be happy. Nope. Nada. Wrong. True happiness is found in Christ and Him alone. Don’t feel the need to “Keep up with the Jones” you do what you need to do for your family. Take Preston and I, we are still in a 1-bedroom apartment straight up frugal living. Why? Because I’d rather spend my money on memories and vacations than an extra bedroom. Oh, and we have six-figures of student loan debt, but that’s a different article for a different day. The point: Don’t stretch yourself so thin you quit experiencing life!
  9. Laugh at the Imperfections: This one I’m still working on. I still find myself wanting things to be perfect. Take today, I put together my art wall in my classroom. No joke, took myself 20 minutes to get the quote looking “perfect.” There went half my plan time. The kicker, my students have no idea if it’s “perfect or not” all they saw were the pretty blue letters on the wall and thought “Blue, what a beautiful color!” Oh to have that child-like love for everything!
  10. Be Bold: Besides God first, this is by far my favorite lesson. God made each of us fearfully and wonderfully made. Why would we not want to live that life boldly? Why would we hinder that spirit? Why would we push fear and self-doubt to the forefront of our mind? So live life boldly. I know, easier said than done, but try. You’ll be surprised how fun it is once you start.

I pray these are a blessing to you as they are to me. I’d love to hear what lessons you’ve learned throughout life.



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