How To Set A Goal & Crush It!

Goals. Goals. Goals. (Sung to the tune of Girls Girls Girls by Mötley Crüe)

We all love them. Every NYE we sit with a piece of paper, or better yet a social media post, detailing what we want to accomplish for this upcoming year.

Well, here we are…middle of the year…how close are you to crushing that goal? Have you lost the weight? Got the promotion? Made the healthy lifestyle change? Done your detox with social media?

For some, the answer is yes! Congrats, love! Yet, for the majority of people out there, it’s a flat-out Heck No!

Life got in the way and bam…nowhere near completing what we had set out for ourselves. Good thing then that there is still 6 months left, in the year, to make sure that goal you had set for yourself comes to fruition.

How? For me, I always use the SMART method. You make your goal Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. By using this method I’ve been able to crush a bunch of my goals. Why? Because I actually had a plan to attain them. Someone once said:

A goal without a plan is just a wish.

                 -Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Say you want to save money. Cool, but you can’t just say I’m going to save money and hope that by the end of the year you’ll have put away a nice nest egg. You need a plan. An example would be:

I, Faith, am transferring $100, each month, into my savings allowing me to save $1,200 by December 31, 2018.


I made it specific. I am talking about taking money out of my checking and putting it into my savings.

I made it measurable by giving a set amount.

It’s attainable because this is something I can afford. I’m a teacher by trade so I’m probably not going to say I’ll transfer $10,000 into my account each month. You see, I made it something I can achieve.

This goal is relevant for me because I want to save money to help tackle my student loans. I want to achieve it. What’s the point of making a goal if you don’t really want to crush it?

Lastly, it’s timely. I can easily accomplish this goal. I’m not saying I’ll save $1,200 in a month, but I’m also saying I can do it sooner than 3 years.

Goal Making Tip: Make your goals in the present. You want to speak into existence that you already do these things. Your words are powerful. Use them to your advantage.

Now it’s your turn. What’s a goal you want to have crushed by the end of this year? Make a SMART goal and then go out and get it done.

Download my free SMART GOAL WORKSHEET to help crush your goals by the end of the year.

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