Blonding Together: A Sister Bond


Sisters. You love each other, yet quite possibly are straight up annoyed with each other at the exact same time. She’s the one who you totally can steal clothes from without asking and will tell you flat out if those jeans make your butt look bad. Not everyone gets to experience the joys of a sister relationship. For me? I’ve been totally blessed. My sister and I have had our ups and our downs, like any sisters, but at the end of the day I know if I decided I wanted to go to war she’d be right by my side ready to attack.

When I started this blog I wanted it to be a place where people can go for advice, for comfort, and for down-right-laughs. As I’ve been on this roller coaster of blogging, which by the way I’m absolutely in love with, I find that one of the top people I go to for advice is my sister. I don’t know about you, but when I’m freaking out or just need someone to help calm me down she’s one of the people I FaceTime.

Which brings me to this segment, Blonding Together. Two blondes who are bonding together. Now that’s punny I don’t care who you are! Here, once a month, we are gonna talk about a memory we’ve both endured together. Throughout, there will be things we’ve learned along the way and laughter that will make your side hurt, at least it will for us! We pray that you’ll join us on this adventure.




Faith and I couldn’t really decide on what we were going to write about. To be honest, like everything else in our lives, we couldn’t agree on anything. We debated forever over one extremely loud Facetime in Mom and Dad’s living room with Julie meticulously taking notes highlighting the key talking points of our somewhat sane conversation. Finally, after about an hour of deliberating we came to a decision. Why? Why did we want to start writing this segment together?

The dynamic between sisters is a unique situation. She’s the only person that will straight up roast you for your dumbest mistakes but will defend your honor if anyone dare criticized you. She’s the only person who will call you out for being deprived of your sanity and let you know it’s alright but you need to get your act together.  Because a sister is the only one who can give you that encouraging shove with the best intentions possible.

But I’m also excited because it’ll be a collective effort between the two of us. A monthly collaboration on a platform that won’t get lost and doesn’t take up space in a shoe box under my bed. I hate pictures anyways so what’s better than our thoughts, saved for us for the years to come. A future timeline for us to recollect with and recognize how far we’ve come and actually appreciate that.

A little piece of our unique sisterhood that we get to share with everyone. But preserve for generations. To me, that’s better than any picture that I won’t like because my head always looks too big. At the end of my days I’m sure “spending more time with my sister” won’t be something I would ever regret.






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