A Guide To Speaking Affirmations

When someone tells us to start speaking affirmations in our daily life, we often times feel overwhelmed, at least I did. I mean affirmations. What? What is that? I was at a total stand-still. Yet, because I saw the effect it had on people I knew I had to give it a shot.

For those of you who are at a total loss just like I was, affirmations are simply a positive, present-tense way of speaking life, truth, and greatness into your every day life. Essentially, it’s an amazing way to make sure you are speaking God’s truth and not the devil’s lies.

What do I mean by that?

I mean when the devil tries to tell you that you don’t deserve a successful career, affirmations help remind you that God created you for a purpose. He gave you a mission on your heart for a reason and you should accept that mission, James Bond style, and give it all you got.

If you want to know more about why you need to add affirmations into your daily life check out my post on just that here.

Now that you know what an affirmation is,  you need to start taking the steps to implementing them into your daily life. A great way to do that is to think of one positive thing in each area of your life. Now, do you need to do every area?


Just do your pain points if you would like. Some examples could include financial, relationships, career, purpose, and mental, emotional, and physical health. These are all areas where speaking affirmations can help improve your life. Figure out those pain points and turn those negative thoughts into something postive.

For example, you may desire to get fit. Instead of always going into a workout with a negative mind, go into it with a positve affirmation.

Working out fuels my body with energy and excitement.

Which one sounds better?

The negative thought or the bomb affirmation?

No contest. It’s the affirmation. All day, every day.

If you’re looking for great lists of affirmations in all these areas such out my Pinterest board where I pin a ton of great finds!

Lastly, you need to find a time to say these affirmations out loud. Some friends record themselves saying an affiramtion. The Think Up app is a great one for that or even just your own phone recorder. Others, say an affirmation anytime they walk through a doorway. For me, I say them during a break at work. I set a reminder in my phone and I have photos of the affirmations on my bathroom mirror. Also, I keep a sticky note, of each affirmation, on my bathroom wall and read them everytime I’m in the bathroom at home.

You find your spot. Where and when will it work best for you to start speaking truth and life into your daily routine.

Proverbs 18:21 (ESV) states,

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.

Right there, in the Bible, it tells use to speak life.

You ready to start speaking God’s Truth and combat the lies the devil is telling you?

If so, I’ve created a Weekly Affirmation printable.

This is something I’m using in my own home. I’ll start with week one, day one and then add an affirmation each day after. On week 4, day 5 I will be saying 20 affirmations that will be helping me to focus on the postive, not the negative.

I pray you’ll join me.

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Although I’ve lived with mental illness my whole life, I am not a medical professional. You can find a therapist anywhere in the United States here. This post contains affiliate links. You can read my disclosure here.


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