10 Positive Affirmations to Start Your Day

Affirmations! My favorite thing, yet one of the hardest things I find myself having to do. Crazy right? It’s easy to lift other people up, but when it comes to lifting ourselves up we can’t seem to do it. Or is that just me?

Throughout my entire life, I’ve struggled with speaking positively about myself. Perfectionism strikes again! You look at your hair, your nails, your body, your voice…etc and go, “I look okay, but you know what would look even better..”

Then personal development came into my life. Can I get a woohoo!?

I was recommended a book called What To Say When You Talk to Yourself by Shad Helmstetter. The book changed how I view positive affirmations. I was taught that your words bring so much power to your life.

Now, I know, you’re probably like me when I first heard that and was like…”Stop, no way does me saying, “I’m a rock star” every morning have anything to do with my quality of life, but then God laughed and I heard a verse.

You see the Bible says,

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Ephesians 4:29

There it is. Plain as day. Don’t be say anything unwholesome, but instead bring about helpful and joyful words lifting each other up including yourself. So to help you get started on the right foot I’ve created a killer 10 Morning Affirmations printable for you that you can start your mornings, intentionally, with affirmations that lift you higher. Pray it’s a blessing!

Although I’ve lived with mental illness my whole life, I am not a medical professional. You can find a therapist anywhere in the United States here. This post contains affiliate links. You can read my disclosure here.

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