Just Jump!

Alright friends, its story time. I’m sitting here, on my couch, trying to decide what my first post should be about…your attitude? books? Valentine’s Day? What?! Having what one would call a moment of “Holy crap.” Everyone has those, right? My husband, Preston, walks in and starts to laugh. “Faith, you’re worried about making a post perfect..on a blog about not being perfect.” And there it was, the moment every woman hates to admit, my husband was right.

I’m wanting to make things perfect, my sidekick at it again, when I just need to jump. Which got me thinking about how many people are out there living today…not jumping! They want to, they dream about it, they talk people’s ears off, but when push comes to shove they don’t. Why? Well, from personal experience, I’d say fear. The fear of the unknown. The fear of making oneself uncomfortable and the hurt that could follow. We all have that fear, the difference between those who jump and those who don’t is how they respond to that fear.

God have us a spirit not of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-control. (2 Timothy 1:7) With God by our side, He can help us break from that fear (that the devil placed there) to go and fulfill our dreams. So what about you? What are you wanting to do, but don’t? Is it to start work out? Start a new job? Have a baby? Move to a different house or different town? What is that “I wanna jump, but won’t” item.

For me, it was this blog. Two years ago I wanted to start one. I even had one “pre-launched”, about to push that launch button, when I decided against it. Now look, here I am. I could have been a two-year veteran at this point, but instead I am starting from scratch. While it would be nice to be a veteran, I’m thankful I at least jumped. You see, I want to look back on my life and go “Kids, your mom jumped.” She stepped out on faith. She didn’t want until  it was convenient or easy or when she had more money or more time. She just did it.

You see, the devil is a crazy man who will instill any seed of doubt into your mind to stop you. Why? Because if you don’t succeed you don’t have another avenue to praise and thank God for. He wins! You have a calling. God created you to live an extraordinary life. Make sure you don’t let the devil tell you otherwise. Now it’s your turn. Jump, friends! See how high God can take you.

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