How To Combat Your Inner Critic

We all have that voice in our head that likes to tell us we are not good enough. The voice that constantly reminds us of our flaws.

Our inner critic.

She/He likes to tear us down using lies. Lies that we take as Gospel.

You need to SHUT.THAT.DOWN.

If you need to know why we deserve to tell this girl to be quiet check out this post.

You see, I realized I needed to change the way I spoke about myself. I found that I had to find the negative talk, change it, and then speak life back into my life.

How to Change Your Self-Talk

First, you need to take assessment of how you are speaking to yourself. Are you constantly being negative? When something wrong happens how do you react to others around you and yourself? Do you show grace or do you immediately get upset?

Once you’ve taken an assessment of how you are reacting and speaking to yourself and to others you need to write a positive belief to replace the negative one.

For example, I HATE driving in bad weather. Now, I know I dislike it. Yet, when it’s nasty outside I don’t look out the window and go, “Oh, This is going to be awful. I’m going to get in a car wreck.” No, instead I speak life. I get behind the wheel, play a song that calms me, and say, “It’s like any other day. Everything is going great and will continue to be great!” “I am a terrific driver!” “God’s got me.”

Do you see how I’ve made the statement present tense?

I say I AM a terrific driver.

Everything IS GOING GREAT.

You need to trick your mind into thinking that it’s happening right now. What’s that saying?

You fake it until you make it!

Pretty sure that could be my life motto for the last couple of years. I faked being confident and calm about my anxiety until I became confident and calm about my anxiety and fears.

Now it’s your turn.

Grab this FREE ChangeYourSelfTalk printable. Print it off and tackle those negative thoughts. On the negative side, start a timer for 2 minutes and write down all the negative things you say about yourself in that area of your life.

Don’t think, just write! 

Once you’ve done that with all areas, go to the positive side. Rewrite those negative thoughts, but instead of using negative words replace them, in present tense, with positive ones. Like what I did with my driving.

Grab a sticky note or note card and write those positive thoughts down. Place near your bed or in your bathroom and start every morning speaking life into your life. You’ll be suprised what your self-talk will look like two or three weeks from now!

Use the hashtage #takingbackmymental and share your cards on social media! We’d love to encourage you on your journey!

Pray this is a blessing to you!


Although I’ve lived with mental illness my whole life, I am not a medical professional. You can find a therapist anywhere in the United States here

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