How To Create The Perfect Nighttime Routine For You

Creating a nighttime, or bedtime routine, is so important to our mental health. Heck, even our physical health. You can’t get a good nights sleep if your mind is racing a mile a minute.

Now, let me clarify. In order for this routine to be perfect it needs to be what you need it to be. My routine will look completely different from yours. A mom of three young kids is going to have a completely different routine than some of you that are single and in your 20s. Please, remember throughout this entire post that these are suggestions. Practical ways that have been shown to detox your body and help establish a healthy night of sleeping.

Why a nighttime routine?

You may be wondering, why night time? Don’t they always say start your morning out right? What does a routine at night have to do with anything?

Well, yes! I’m a huge believer in morning routines. I also believe that you can’t have a great morning routine if you don’t have a great nighttime routine. By having a nighttime routine you are setting your next day up for success. You are taking the worries and obligations of the day and leaving behind the ones that don’t serve you and carrying the ones that do into the future.

Also, by creating a healthy nighttime routine you are preparing your body for a successful night of sleep. This, in turn, helps to keep our bodies functioning at optimal health and reduces the risk of many health risks. If you’d like more information on how sleep affects your body check out this study done by Harvard on the benefits and risk of sleep and your health.

Practical Ways to Create a Healthy Nighttime Routine
  • Set a regular bedtime: While this may not be able to happen every night because life happens, it’s important to go to bed around the same time. This allows your body to create a natural rhythm of sleep. You’ll become accustomed to falling asleep around that time which makes it easier the more you do it. This also allows for optimal sleeping time. If you don’t have a set time, you may go to sleep at 9:00 one night and 11:00 the next night. This inconsistency can make it difficult to get into healthy sleep habits.
  • “Hush The House”: As Rebekah Lyons says, “Hush the house.” What she means by that is when you’ve started to settle down for the night, do the same for your house. Dim the lights. Turn off the T.V. Put your phone away or in a different room. Start to tell your body and mind that it’s time to relax and rest. Reduce the input that is coming at you.
  • Relax your mind: This is something that is different for everyone. Maybe you like to knit or maybe you enjoy reading the latest bestseller. Whatever it is for you, do something that helps relax your mind. You’re not running around all crazy, you’re relaxed and doing something that brings you joy.Tips For A Great Nighttime Routine
More ways to relax before bed:
  • Brain Dump: Now, I know I said that the perfect routine is whatever you want it to be, but this may be one I strongly encourage you to do. This is where before you go to bed you write down all the things that are on your mind. You could be thinking about a meeting the next day, laundry that needs to be washed, or a bill that needs to be paid. Whatever is on your mind, big or small, write it down. This allows you to fully release the day. You don’t need to lie in bed thinking about your upcoming event because you’ve written it all out on paper. Not to be forgotten, but to be held off until tomorrow. If you are someone with anxiety, like me, this helps tremendously!
  • Good Hygiene: I know you brush your teeth before bed, but this is for all the other things you may want to do. Some like to take a shower before they hop into bed. Others like to do a facial or massage a few times a week to relax. If this is something that calms you and makes you feel refreshed, do it! Plus, you can never go wrong with a glass of wine, a good book, and a bubble bath.
  • Prayer/Bible Study: Spending time with God is always a good idea. Take some time before bed to spend in prayer, mediation, or working on a bible study.
Remember, this is your routine not your moms or sisters or mine.
It’s yours.

Make it what you want. The list above are suggestions. They are things to get your mind rolling on how best to serve you. My advice would be to start doing just one new thing and see how you like it. Does it help you bring yourself back to you or just make you more anxious to get it checked off your list? Play around with it. What you think may work for you may not.  Yet, what you think would never be a thing could totally be one.

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